Trace2o have teamed up with the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) to provide water testing services in remote locations of Ethiopia.
This initial pilot study of 44 newly drilled boreholes in the Boloso Sore region of Southern Ethiopia will open a new line in product service provision for Trace2o where we do not simply sell a water testing product, but provide the manpower and reporting services to an organisation that hasn’t the resource to do it themselves. CIFF are providing water by drilling boreholes in the Woreda area of Ethiopia, Harry, Ruth and Tsegaye from Moretech Ethiopia joined forces to conduct testing in remote villages of Ethiopia. managed to collect and test samples from all 17 active boreholes installed by World Vision on behalf of CIFF.
Results were collected and downloaded into the ASMS software, for later analysis of results. The local community were on hand to feed and water our staff as they conducted testing. Extremely grateful for the work being conducted. If successful, this project will evolve into two further provisions, one in Kolkata and one in Addis Ababa, where several hundred sites require testing over a period of 2 years. This is really an exciting opportunity which offers our clients with an end to end solution for water quality monitoring. We value this partnership with CIFF as they look to improve the lives of children by not only providing water but ensuring it is clean and safe.